sâmbătă, 25 februarie 2017

Measuring your financial well-being

MissouriFamilies.org - Money Matters - Consumer Action


Feature Articles: Miscellaneous


Measuring your financial well-being

Cynthia Crawford, Ed.S., Ph.D., Extension Professional
focusing on Retirement Planning Education, Personal Financial Planning,
University of Missouri Extension


After just making new year’s goals and during tax preparation season,
this is the perfect time to do a self-assessment of your financial well-being.


The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) released a financial
well-being questionnaire in December 2015 that helps individuals
and families accurately and consistently measure their financial well-being.
Well-being includes:


  • Having control over one’s finances and being able to pay bills
    on time, not having unmanageable debt and being able to balance income
    and expenses.

  • Having a financial cushion for unexpected expenses and emergencies. Having savings, health insurance, access to quality credit and
    ability to get occasional help from friends and family for financial assistance were factors
    that increase consumers’ capacity to absorb a financial shock.

  • Having financial goals. Goals may range from paying off
    student loans to being financially prepared for retirement. Well-being is about being on track to meeting financial goals that
    are important to you.

  • Being able to make choices that allow one to enjoy life. Whether it is taking a vacation, enjoying a meal out now and then,
    going back to school or working less to spend more time with family,
    being able to enjoy life is an essential component of financial well-being.


Financial well-being is a balance between financial security and
financial freedom today and in the future.


How well do these statements describe you or your situation? For these first six questions, please select from the following responses:
Completely, Very well, Somewhat, Very little, or Not at all.


  1. I could handle a major unexpected expense.

  2. I am securing my financial future.

  3. Because of my money situation, I feel like I will never have
    the things I want in life.

  4. I can enjoy life because of the way I’m managing my money.

  5. I am just getting by financially.

  6. I am concerned that the money I have or will save won’t last.


How often do these statements apply to you? For these final four questions, please select from these responses: Always,
Often, Sometimes, Rarely, or Never.


  1. Giving a gift for a wedding, birthday or another occasion would
    put a strain on my finances for the month.

  2. I have money left over at the end of the month.

  3. I am behind with my finances.

  4. My finances control my life.


These questions were carefully vetted by the CFPB and were tested
to be valid and reliable measures.


As you think about your responses to the ten questions, which of
your responses indicate that you have already built some financial strengths? What do you need to do in the coming year to be able to respond with
even stronger responses?


For details about this project and to find out more specifics about
scoring these ten questions, please see:


Building on your financial well-being can help you become even more financially
secure and have more financial freedom the remainder of this year and
for many years to come.

Last update:
Tuesday, February 16, 2016


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